About Us
William M. Zangwill, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist who has presented at professional conferences and trained
therapists both in this country and abroad. He is the developer of the Float Back and Float Forward techniques used in this
app. A highly regarded EMDR trainer, he was in the original group of clinicians trained by Dr. Francine Shapiro, the
originator of EMDR. His writings include work on using mindful practices in therapy, Schema Therapy and Sexual Victimization.
In addition to his work with Francine Shapiro, he has studied extensively and with Jeffrey Young and with Tara Brach. He
practices in New York where he specializes in the treatment of PTSD and of sexual, marital and family problems. Years ago he
worked as a galley boy for Zim Israeli shipping lines.
Should you have any questions or suggestions about TheraKey or want more information about the trainings he does, please click here to contact William.
Cindy Browning, LCSW has a private practice in Chatham and Montclair, NJ where she specializes in the treatment of
trauma, couples, family therapy, substance abuse recovery and relational addictions.
Cindy has been an EMDR practitioner since 1997 and teaches EMDR as a facilitator and is an EMDRIA Approved Consultant. Cindy has been trained in Post Induction Therapy by Pia Mellody at the Meadows in Arizona and regularly offers Post Induction Therapy small group intensive trauma healing workshops. She is an experienced consultant, offering individual and group professional consultation to other therapists in EMDR, trauma treatment and couples therapy. She is the author of Floatback and Float-Forward: Techniques for Connecting Past, Present and Future, where she describes the use of Zangwill's technique used in this app. Cindy has two great kids and a Schnoodle who can run up to 4 miles at a time.
A significant share of the profits from this TheraKey App will be devoted to research.
TheraKey was designed and built
by Aaron Surrain at
Good Looking Software, Inc.